Why Nursing Essay Example

Why Nursing Essay Example

A “why nursing essay” is a common requirement for nursing school applications. It gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your passion for the field, highlight your relevant qualities and experiences, and explain why you are well-suited for a career in nursing. In this article, we’ll provide an example essay along with tips to help you craft a compelling piece.

Why I Chose Nursing Essay Example


From a young age, I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to helping others. As I grew older and gained more experience volunteering and working in healthcare settings, it became clear that nursing was my calling. The unique blend of scientific knowledge, hands-on skills, and compassionate patient care that defines this profession resonates deeply with my own values and goals.

Passion for Science and Helping Others

One of the primary reasons I chose nursing is my longstanding fascination with science, especially biology and human anatomy. I excelled in these subjects throughout my academic career, and I am excited to apply this knowledge in a practical setting. Furthermore, I derive great satisfaction from using my skills to improve people’s health and wellbeing. Nursing provides the perfect intersection of scientific aptitude and altruistic service.

Meaningful Volunteer and Work Experiences

My decision to pursue nursing has been reinforced by several formative experiences. As a hospital volunteer, I witnessed firsthand the critical role nurses play in patient care and recovery. I was inspired by their expertise, dedication, and ability to connect with patients on a personal level. Additionally, working as a certified nursing assistant further solidified my commitment to this path. The hands-on experience of providing direct patient care was both challenging and immensely rewarding.

Personal Qualities Suited for Nursing

I believe I possess several qualities that will serve me well as a nurse. I am highly organized, detail-oriented, and able to manage multiple tasks efficiently – essential skills in a fast-paced healthcare environment. My strong communication abilities allow me to build rapport with patients, families, and colleagues. Moreover, I pride myself on my empathy, patience, and emotional resilience, which are crucial for providing compassionate care and support to those in need.


In conclusion, nursing is not merely a career choice for me; it is a calling that aligns perfectly with my interests, experiences, and personal qualities. I am eager to contribute to this vital field, make a positive difference in patients’ lives, and continually grow as a healthcare professional. Pursuing a nursing education is the first step in realizing this aspiration, and I am deeply committed to excelling in this rigorous and rewarding program.

Tips for Writing a Why I Want to Be a Nurse Essay

  1. Be authentic and specific. Use concrete examples from your life to illustrate your points.
  2. Highlight relevant academic achievements, especially in science courses.
  3. Discuss meaningful volunteer, shadowing, or work experiences in healthcare.
  4. Demonstrate your understanding of the nursing role and scope of practice.
  5. Emphasize the personal qualities that will make you an excellent nurse, such as compassion, critical thinking, and adaptability.
  6. Convey your long-term goals and commitment to professional growth.
  7. Proofread carefully and ask for feedback from trusted readers.

Remember, a strong “why nursing” essay showcases your unique path and motivations while demonstrating your fit for this challenging and fulfilling profession. By following these tips and learning from example essays, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a compelling piece.

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