How to Write and What to Include in “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” Essay

Why I Want to Be a Nurse Essay WritingWriting a good “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” essay is a crucial step in your journey towards a nursing career. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of creating an essay that not only meets admissions requirements but also authentically conveys your passion for nursing and your potential as a future healthcare professional.

Understanding the Purpose of Your “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” Essay

Before diving into the writing process, it’s essential to grasp the objectives of this important essay:

  • Demonstrate your genuine passion for the nursing profession
  • Showcase your understanding of nursing and its challenges
  • Highlight relevant experiences that have shaped your decision
  • Illustrate your personal qualities that align with nursing
  • Explain your motivation for pursuing a nursing career

By keeping these objectives in mind, you’ll be better equipped to craft an essay that resonates with admissions committees and sets you apart from other applicants.

Common Essay Prompt

Common variations of the prompt include:

Admissions committees are looking for genuine passion, understanding of the profession, and alignment with nursing values.


Brainstorming Your Nursing Journey

The foundation of a powerful “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” essay lies in thoughtful reflection on your experiences and motivations. Consider the following during your brainstorming session:

  1. Defining Moments: Recall specific experiences that sparked or confirmed your interest in nursing.
  2. Personal Connections: Think about any interactions with nurses or healthcare situations that left a lasting impression.
  3. Values Alignment: Reflect on how nursing aligns with your personal values and beliefs.
  4. Skills and Strengths: Identify personal qualities that make you well-suited for a nursing career.
  5. Long-term Goals: Consider how nursing fits into your broader career and life aspirations.

Example Brainstorming Output:

  • Volunteering at local hospital’s pediatric ward
  • Caring for ill grandmother and observing hospice nurses
  • Passion for science and human anatomy
  • Strong empathy and communication skills
  • Desire to make a tangible difference in people’s lives
  • Interest in advancing healthcare equality

This brainstorming process will provide a rich pool of experiences and insights to draw from as you write your essay.

Structuring Your Essay

A well-structured essay ensures that your ideas flow logically and make a strong impact. Follow this structure for your “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” essay:

  1. Introduction:
    • Begin with a compelling hook that grabs the reader’s attention
    • Provide a brief overview of your journey towards nursing
    • Present a clear thesis statement that outlines your main reasons for pursuing nursing
  2. Body Paragraphs:
    • Discuss your inspiration for choosing nursing
    • Highlight relevant experiences that have prepared you for a nursing career
    • Explain how your personal qualities align with nursing
    • Address your understanding of the nursing profession and its challenges
    • Discuss your goals within the nursing field
  3. Conclusion:
    • Summarize your main points
    • Reinforce your commitment to nursing
    • End with a strong statement about your potential contribution to the profession

Example Introduction: “The rhythmic beep of heart monitors became the soundtrack of my summer as I volunteered in the pediatric ward of City Hospital. Amidst the bustling activity and emotional highs and lows, I found my calling. This experience, along with my passion for science, strong empathy, and desire to make a tangible difference in people’s lives, has solidified my decision to pursue a career in nursing. I am excited about the opportunity to combine my skills and dedication to become a compassionate and skilled nurse, contributing to the health and well-being of diverse patient populations.”

By following this structure, you create a cohesive narrative that effectively communicates your journey and readiness for a nursing career.

Writing a Compelling Personal Narrative

Your “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” essay should tell a story that captures your unique journey towards nursing. Here’s how to create a compelling personal narrative:

  1. Start with a Powerful Anecdote: Begin your essay with a vivid description of a moment that inspired your interest in nursing. This could be a personal experience, an observation, or an interaction that left a lasting impression.
  2. Show, Don’t Tell: Instead of simply stating your qualities, demonstrate them through specific examples and experiences. For instance, rather than saying you’re compassionate, describe a situation where you displayed compassion in a healthcare setting.
  3. Connect Your Experiences: Draw connections between different experiences or insights to show how your interest in nursing has developed over time. This demonstrates thoughtful reflection and a genuine commitment to the field.
  4. Address Challenges: If you’ve faced obstacles on your path to nursing, don’t shy away from discussing them. Explain how overcoming these challenges has strengthened your resolve and prepared you for the demands of nursing school and the profession.
  5. Incorporate Your Understanding of Nursing: Throughout your narrative, weave in your knowledge of what nursing entails. This shows that your desire to become a nurse is based on a realistic understanding of the profession.

Example Narrative Excerpt: “As I held my grandmother’s hand during her final days in hospice care, I was struck by the profound impact of the nurses who attended to her. Their ability to provide both skilled medical care and heartfelt emotional support not only eased my grandmother’s journey but also opened my eyes to the true essence of nursing. This experience ignited a spark within me, leading me to seek out opportunities to learn more about healthcare. From volunteering at a local clinic to taking advanced biology courses, each step has reinforced my conviction that nursing is my calling. The challenges I’ve faced, such as balancing my pre-nursing coursework with family responsibilities, have only strengthened my determination and taught me valuable time management skills that I know will serve me well in nursing school and beyond.”

This narrative approach engages the reader and provides concrete examples of your experiences and insights related to nursing.

Demonstrating Your Understanding of Nursing

A crucial component of your “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” essay is showcasing your knowledge of the nursing profession. This demonstrates that your desire to become a nurse is based on a realistic understanding of the field. Consider including the following elements:

  1. Roles and Responsibilities: Discuss your understanding of the various roles nurses play in healthcare settings. This could include direct patient care, patient education, care coordination, and advocacy.
  2. Challenges in Nursing: Acknowledge some of the challenges nurses face, such as long hours, emotional stress, and the need for continuous learning. Explain how you’re prepared to meet these challenges.
  3. Current Issues in Healthcare: Touch on a current issue or trend in nursing or healthcare that interests you. This shows that you’re engaged with the field beyond just your personal experiences.
  4. Nursing Ethics: Mention the ethical aspects of nursing, such as patient privacy, informed consent, or end-of-life care. This demonstrates your awareness of the moral responsibilities of the profession.
  5. Interprofessional Collaboration: Discuss the importance of nurses working as part of a healthcare team. This shows your understanding of the collaborative nature of modern healthcare.

Example Paragraph: “I understand that nursing is a multifaceted profession that goes far beyond administering medications and changing dressings. Nurses serve as patient advocates, educators, and vital links in the healthcare team. I’m aware of the challenges nurses face, including long shifts, emotional stress, and the need to stay updated with rapidly evolving medical technologies and treatments. However, I’m drawn to nursing precisely because of its demanding nature and the opportunity it provides to make a real difference in people’s lives. I’m particularly interested in the growing role of nurses in preventive care and health education, as I believe these areas are crucial for improving long-term health outcomes in communities.”

By demonstrating a nuanced understanding of nursing, you show admissions committees that your passion is grounded in reality and that you’re prepared for the rigors of nursing education and practice.

Highlighting Your Unique Qualities and Experiences

Your “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” essay should emphasize what makes you a unique and valuable candidate for the nursing profession. Consider these strategies:

  1. Relevant Skills: Discuss skills you’ve developed that are applicable to nursing, such as communication, empathy, problem-solving, or attention to detail. Provide specific examples of how you’ve demonstrated these skills.
  2. Diverse Experiences: If you have experience in fields outside of healthcare, explain how these experiences have prepared you for nursing or given you a unique perspective.
  3. Cultural Competence: If you have experiences with diverse populations or speak multiple languages, highlight how this will benefit you as a nurse.
  4. Personal Growth: Reflect on how your experiences have shaped your character and prepared you for the challenges of nursing.
  5. Volunteer Work: Discuss any volunteer experiences in healthcare settings and what you learned from them.

Example Paragraph: “My experience as a crisis hotline volunteer has honed my ability to communicate effectively and empathetically in high-stress situations. I’ve learned to listen actively, provide comfort, and think quickly on my feet – skills I know will be invaluable in nursing. Additionally, my background in data analysis has sharpened my attention to detail and analytical skills, which I believe will be crucial for accurate patient assessments and medication administration. As a first-generation immigrant, I’ve navigated cultural differences and language barriers, experiences that have fostered my cultural sensitivity and adaptability. I’m excited to bring these diverse skills and perspectives to my nursing practice, contributing to patient-centered care that respects and addresses the unique needs of each individual.”

By highlighting your unique qualities and experiences, you differentiate yourself from other applicants and demonstrate the diverse perspectives you’ll bring to the nursing profession.

Addressing Your Future Goals in Nursing

Conclude your essay by discussing your future aspirations in nursing. This demonstrates that you’ve thought beyond just getting into nursing school and have a vision for your career. Consider including:

  1. Specialization Interests: If you’re drawn to a particular area of nursing, such as pediatrics, oncology, or public health, explain why.
  2. Long-term Career Goals: Discuss where you see yourself in the future. Do you aspire to be a nurse practitioner, a nurse educator, or a leader in healthcare policy?
  3. Commitment to Lifelong Learning: Express your understanding that nursing requires continuous education and your enthusiasm for ongoing professional development.
  4. Desire to Contribute: Explain how you hope to contribute to the nursing profession and healthcare as a whole.

Example Paragraph: “Looking ahead, I’m particularly drawn to the field of community health nursing. My experiences volunteering at a free clinic have shown me the critical need for accessible healthcare in underserved communities. I aspire to become a Public Health Nurse, working to improve health outcomes and reduce disparities in vulnerable populations. I’m excited about the opportunity to combine direct patient care with broader public health initiatives. In the long term, I hope to pursue a Master’s degree in Nursing with a focus on population health, equipping me to take on leadership roles in community health program development. I understand that the field of nursing is constantly evolving, and I’m committed to lifelong learning to ensure I can provide the best possible care throughout my career. Ultimately, I see nursing not just as a job, but as a platform to make a lasting positive impact on individual lives and community health as a whole.”

By articulating clear goals, you demonstrate your commitment to the nursing profession and your potential for growth and contribution.


Writing a compelling “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” essay is your opportunity to share your unique journey, demonstrate your passion for healthcare, and show why you’re an ideal candidate for the nursing program. By following this comprehensive guide – from understanding the essay’s purpose and brainstorming your experiences, through crafting a personal narrative and highlighting your unique qualities, to articulating your future goals – you’ll be well-equipped to create an essay that stands out to admissions committees.

Remember, your “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” essay is more than just a requirement for admission; it’s the beginning of your professional nursing journey. The reflection and insight gained through this writing process will serve you well as you progress in your nursing education and career.

Need Help with Your “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” Essay?

Crafting a compelling “Why I Want to Be a Nurse” essay can be challenging, requiring deep self-reflection, strong writing skills, and a clear understanding of what nursing programs are looking for in candidates. If you’re finding it difficult to articulate your nursing journey effectively or want to ensure your essay truly stands out, we offer help with nursing essay Contact us today for an essay that truly captures your passion for nursing and your potential as a future healthcare professional.

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