Nursing Reflective Essay Example

Examples of Nursing Reflective EssaysReflective practice is a cornerstone of nursing education and professional development. Writing a nursing reflective essay allows you to analyze your experiences, learn from them, and improve your practice. This article provides a comprehensive example of a nursing reflective essay, along with analysis and tips to help you write your own compelling reflection.

Understanding the Purpose of Nursing Reflective Essays

Before diving into the example, it’s crucial to understand the objectives of reflective writing in nursing:

  • Critical analysis of clinical experiences
  • Self-awareness and personal growth
  • Identification of areas for improvement
  • Application of theory to practice
  • Development of problem-solving skills

Reflective essays in nursing serve as a tool for professional development, helping nurses to continually improve their practice and patient care.

Nursing Reflective Essay Example

The following example demonstrates how to structure and write a nursing reflective essay using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle, a popular model for reflection in healthcare.

Title: Reflection on Administering First Injection


During my second-year placement in a busy medical ward, I was tasked with administering an intramuscular injection to an elderly patient, Mr. Smith, who was admitted with a severe urinary tract infection. This was my first time administering an injection without direct supervision, although my mentor was present in the room.


As I prepared the medication, I felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. The opportunity to apply my skills independently was thrilling, but I was also nervous about potentially making a mistake or causing the patient discomfort. My hands were slightly shaky as I approached Mr. Smith’s bedside.


The procedure went smoothly overall. I successfully administered the injection following the correct technique we had practiced in the skills lab. Mr. Smith remained calm throughout the procedure, which helped ease my nerves. However, I realized that my anxiety was visible to the patient, potentially affecting his experience.


Reflecting on this experience, I recognize that my technical skills were adequate, but my emotional management needed improvement. Emotional intelligence is crucial in nursing, as patients often pick up on healthcare providers’ emotions. My mentor later explained that projecting confidence, even when feeling uncertain, can help put patients at ease.

I also realized the importance of thorough patient communication. While I had explained the procedure to Mr. Smith, I could have done more to assess his understanding and address any concerns he might have had.


This experience taught me that clinical skills are just one aspect of nursing competence. Emotional regulation and effective patient communication are equally important for providing high-quality care. I need to work on managing my anxiety in clinical situations and improving my patient communication skills.

Action Plan

To improve my practice, I will:

  1. Practice mindfulness techniques to manage anxiety in clinical settings
  2. Seek opportunities to administer more injections to build confidence
  3. Role-play patient communication scenarios with peers to enhance my skills
  4. Read literature on emotional intelligence in nursing to deepen my understanding
  5. Discuss strategies for projecting confidence with my mentor

Analyzing the Reflective Essay Example

This nursing reflective essay example demonstrates several key elements of effective reflection:

  1. Clear Structure: The essay follows Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle, providing a logical flow of thoughts and analysis.
  2. Specific Incident: The reflection focuses on a particular event, allowing for in-depth analysis.
  3. Honest Self-Assessment: The author openly discusses both strengths and areas for improvement.
  4. Theory-Practice Link: The essay connects the experience to broader concepts in nursing, such as emotional intelligence.
  5. Action-Oriented Conclusion: The reflection ends with a concrete plan for improvement, demonstrating commitment to ongoing learning.

Tips for Writing Your Nursing Reflective Essay

To create an equally compelling reflective essay:

  1. Choose a Significant Event: Select an experience that had a meaningful impact on your nursing practice.
  2. Use a Reflective Model: Frameworks like Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle or Johns’ Model of Reflection can help structure your thoughts.
  3. Be Honest and Critical: Don’t shy away from discussing challenges or mistakes. Honest reflection demonstrates maturity and a commitment to improvement.
  4. Incorporate Nursing Theory: Connect your experiences to nursing concepts and evidence-based practice.
  5. Focus on Learning and Growth: Emphasize how the experience has contributed to your development as a nurse.
  6. Maintain Patient Confidentiality: Always change names and remove identifying details when discussing patient care.

Need Help with Your Nursing Reflective Essay?

Writing a good nursing reflective essay requires deep introspection, critical analysis, and strong writing skills. If you’re finding it challenging to articulate your experiences effectively or want to ensure your essay truly showcases your growth as a nurse, we’re here to help. At NursingEssayPal, we specialize in assisting nursing students with reflective nursing essay writing and other academic writing. Contact us today for a nursing reflective essay that truly captures your experiences and insights. Let’s work together to enhance your reflective practice and contribute to your success in your nursing education and future career.

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