30 Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics you can Write About

Argumentative Essay Topics in NursingNursing students often grapple with complex healthcare issues in their argumentative essays. These assignments challenge you to think critically about controversial topics in the field. To help you get started, we’ve compiled an extensive list of nursing argumentative essay topics across various healthcare domains.

Ethics in Nursing Topics

  1. Mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers: Should nurses be required to receive all recommended vaccinations as a condition of employment?
  2. Right to refuse treatment: Should nurses have the right to refuse to participate in procedures that conflict with their personal or religious beliefs?
  3. Euthanasia and nursing: Is it ethical for nurses to assist in euthanasia in countries where it’s legal?
  4. Genetic testing and privacy: Should nurses be obligated to disclose genetic test results to a patient’s family members if it affects their health?
  5. Organ donation policies: Should there be a presumed consent for organ donation, and what role should nurses play in this process?

For more insights on ethical dilemmas in nursing, explore our guide on writing good essays on nursing ethics.

Healthcare Policy Topics

  1. Universal healthcare implementation: What would be the impact of a universal healthcare system on nursing practice?
  2. Nurse-to-patient ratios: Should there be mandatory nurse-to-patient ratios, and how would this affect patient outcomes?
  3. Prescription drug pricing: How do high prescription drug costs impact patient care, and what role should nurses play in advocating for affordable medications?
  4. Telemedicine regulations: How should telemedicine be regulated, and what are the implications for nursing practice?
  5. Mental health parity: Should mental health services be covered at the same level as physical health services in insurance plans?

Technology in Nursing Topics

  1. AI in nursing diagnosis: Should artificial intelligence be used to assist in nursing diagnoses, and what are the potential risks?
  2. Wearable health technology: How can wearable health technology be integrated into nursing practice, and what are the privacy concerns?
  3. Electronic Health Records (EHR) and patient care: Do EHRs improve patient care, or do they create new challenges for nurses?
  4. Robotics in nursing: Should robots be used to perform certain nursing tasks, and how would this affect the nurse-patient relationship?
  5. Social media and patient confidentiality: How should nurses navigate social media use while maintaining patient confidentiality?

Public Health and Prevention Topics

  1. Vaccine hesitancy: What strategies should nurses employ to address vaccine hesitancy in their communities?
  2. Obesity prevention programs: Should nurses be more involved in community-based obesity prevention programs?
  3. Substance abuse treatment: Is the current approach to treating substance abuse effective, and what role should nurses play in improving outcomes?
  4. Climate change and health: How should the nursing profession respond to the health impacts of climate change?
  5. Sexual education in schools: Should nurses play a larger role in providing comprehensive sexual education in schools?

Nursing Education and Practice Topics

  1. Entry-level nursing education: Should a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) be the minimum requirement for entry into nursing practice?
  2. Continuing education requirements: Should experienced nurses be required to complete continuing education to maintain their licenses?
  3. Simulation in nursing education: To what extent should simulation be used in nursing education as a substitute for clinical hours?
  4. Cultural competence training: Should cultural competence training be mandatory for all practicing nurses?
  5. Nurse practitioner independence: Should nurse practitioners be granted full practice authority in all states?

Specialized Nursing Topics

  1. Pediatric end-of-life care: How can pediatric end-of-life care be improved, and what unique challenges do nurses face in this area?
  2. Geriatric care and autonomy: How can nurses balance patient autonomy with safety concerns in geriatric care?
  3. Maternal mortality rates: What role should nurses play in addressing high maternal mortality rates, particularly among minority populations?
  4. LGBTQ+ healthcare disparities: How can nurses help reduce healthcare disparities for LGBTQ+ patients?
  5. Palliative care integration: Should palliative care be integrated earlier in disease treatment, and how would this change the nurse’s role?

For inspiration on discussing specialized nursing topics, check our examples of nursing career goal essays here.

Need Help with Your Nursing Argumentative Essay?

Selecting the right topic and writing a compelling argument can be challenging. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or want to ensure your essay stands out, we’re here to help. At NursingEssayPal.com, our experienced team is ready to assist you in choosing a topic, developing your argument, and polishing your essay to perfection. Contact us today to elevate your nursing argumentative essay and showcase your critical thinking skills.

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